The Saluki Club of America’s Versatility Program is open to all SCOA members, to acknowledge the accomplishments of our breed in a variety of pursuits. Versatility means that a Saluki has shown skill in multiple fields of competition, including performance, companion, and conformation events. The objective is to utilize the points and titles that a Saluki has already earned and those that will be earned in the future toward a Versatility title.
The Saluki standard speaks of a breed with…”the impression of great speed and endurance coupled with strength and agility.” Salukis also possess the temperament, intelligence, hunting and working capabilities that represent essential characteristics of the breed. These important breed traits make the Saluki an excellent athlete. The very definition of versatile is synonymous with Salukis, a dog that can embrace a variety of skills and turn with ease from one venue to the next.
The Versatility Program is designed to recognize Salukis and their owners that have distinguished themselves in conformation, companion and performance competitions. Our goal is to recognize and reward all levels of versatility – from those just starting out to those with advanced titles – and to encourage more participation in all events. To attain any one of the levels of recognition represents a commendable dedication by the owners, breeders and handlers. The Saluki Club of America wishes to recognize this achievement by these deserving people and their exceptional dogs.