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Versatility Program

The Saluki Club of America’s Versatility Program is open to all SCOA members, to acknowledge the accomplishments of our breed in a variety of pursuits. Versatility means that a Saluki has shown skill in multiple fields of competition, including performance, companion, and conformation events. The objective is to utilize the points and titles that a Saluki has already earned and those that will be earned in the future toward a Versatility title.

The Saluki standard speaks of a breed with…”the impression of great speed and endurance coupled with strength and agility.” Salukis also possess the temperament, intelligence, hunting and working capabilities that represent essential characteristics of the breed. These important breed traits make the Saluki an excellent athlete. The very definition of versatile is synonymous with Salukis, a dog that can embrace a variety of skills and turn with ease from one venue to the next.

The Versatility Program is designed to recognize Salukis and their owners that have distinguished themselves in conformation, companion and performance competitions. Our goal is to recognize and reward all levels of versatility – from those just starting out to those with advanced titles – and to encourage more participation in all events. To attain any one of the levels of recognition represents a commendable dedication by the owners, breeders and handlers. The Saluki Club of America wishes to recognize this achievement by these deserving people and their exceptional dogs.

The SCOA Versatility Program is open to all members. Any Saluki that is living or deceased may be awarded a Versatility title.  Altered Salukis and Country of Origin Salukis are also eligible. If a Saluki earned some of his/her titles before its owner joined the parent club, those titles will count toward the Versatility award. However, the owner must be a member of the SCOA at the time the Versatility application is submitted.  Applications for a deceased saluki may be submitted at any time and the application must  include the  necessary supporting documentation of achievement for any dog that has previously met the requirements for a Versatility title.

There are three levels of achievement:

VS-Versatile Saluki
VSA-Versatile Saluki Advanced
VSX-Versatile Saluki Excellent

Each level of achievement will require a specific number of points from within the list of qualifying venues. Each venue will have a list of activities and every activity within that venue will have a point value. Additionally, each level of achievement will have mandatory requirements that will have to be met to qualify for a specific level of achievement.

Points earned in each venue are not cumulative within that venue, for example: points earned for a CDX are not added to those points already earned for a CD. Only the points earned for the highest activity within that specific venue would be counted.

The qualifying venues will include: AKC conformation, AKC lure coursing, ASFA lure coursing, NOFCA open field coursing, NACA open field coursing, TCC open field coursing, AKC obedience (regular and rally), AKC tracking, LGRA racing, NOTRA racing, AKC agility, and miscellaneous. The Versatility awards are based on a point system which is used to weight each title or achievement by the degree of difficulty.

Versatile Saluki:
Requires 10 points from 3 different venues; may only use points from a maximum of 2 coursing or racing venues
Requires a minimum of 4 points from 1 venue
Requires at least 2 points from lure coursing, open field coursing or racing
Requires at least 2 points from 1 companion venue, defined as: obedience/rally, agility or tracking

Versatile Saluki Advanced:
Requires 13 points from 3 different venues; may only use points from a maximum of 2 coursing or racing venues
Requires one Championship title; can be Conformation, Lure Coursing or Field Coursing
Requires a minimum of 4 points from lure or field coursing
Requires at least 2 points from 1 companion venue; defined as: obedience/rally, tracking or agility

Versatile Saluki Excellent:
Requires 16 points from 4 different venues
Requires a Conformation Championship
Requires a Lure Coursing Championship or Field Coursing Championship
Requires at least 4 points from 1 companion venue; defined as: obedience/rally, tracking or agility

Use the attached Point Schedule Worksheet. Select the venue in which your saluki participates, look at the list of activities and select the activity that your saluki has completed. Then, refer to the points list to see how many points that specific activity provides. Do that with all of the venues in which your saluki participates and add the points. Then, refer to the list of mandatory requirements to determine if those requirements are met. At that point, you can determine which level of achievement your saluki qualifies for. Only 1 activity within each venue will be accepted.

Versatility Worksheet

When your Saluki has qualified for one of the Versatility titles, the owner may apply to the Versatility Committee for recognition of the dog’s achievement. Your application packet must include a completed Application form, completed Point Schedule Worksheet with the applicable venues circled and copies of any of the necessary official title certificates and/or supporting documentation of your dog’s achievements.

Versatility Application

Submit the appropriate documents via US mail to:
Maryann Lillemo, Versatility Chair
2579 Ivy Knoll Drive
Placerville, CA 95667

Or you may scan the application and documents and email to

Feel free to contact Maryann with any questions by email or phone: 916-337-2387 PST

The SCOA will not keep statistics on titles nor will they track titles for Versatility Title eligibility. It is the owner’s responsibility to keep such records, and to make application for the Versatility title at the appropriate time.  It is also the owner’s responsibility to research and verify the requirements for a specific title in any of the approved venues.   **For example:  check with ASFA for the requirements for a TCP title or with AKC for a BN title.

Individuals who meet the requirements for a Saluki Versatility Title will receive a personalized plaque listing the dog’s name, owner’s name, award level achieved and year of award. Versatility awards will be presented by the SCOA President at the annual National Specialty.

Salukis who have earned a Versatility title will be listed on the SCOA web site as Versatility dogs, with the year the title was awarded. An owner-supplied photo of your dog may accompany the listing.

Salukis who have earned a Versatility title will be featured in the SCOA Book of Records.

The Saluki Club of America will offer a Special Versatility Conformation Competition at the National Specialty, open to all salukis that have earned any of the Versatility titles. SCOA regional specialties will also have the option to offer the Versatility Conformation Competition at their events. The Versatility Conformation Competition will be a separate conformation competition and will not be a part of the AKC judging. Instructions for entry in this competition will be included in the Specialty premium list. Participation in the competition is limited to current SCOA members in good standing.
