Friendly, well-mannered dogs can be trained to provide comfort, companionship, and emotional support to people in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, community events, and more. A successful therapy dog has a calm, gentle, friendly temperament, is generally unflappable in new situations, and staunchly obedient to the basic commands of sit, down, stay, come, and heel on a loose lead.
Because of their reserved and gentle nature, many Salukis can make wonderful therapy dogs with the right training. Being well-socialized is essential for this work (and socialization is for every dog). To prepare, gradually expose your Saluki to new environments, people, and situations, and see if they can adapt and remain calm around unfamiliar stimuli. Start with with your friends’ homes, parks, and stores, and work your way up to offices, community gatherings, and public transportation (check with schools, hospitals, and assisted living facilities before bringing your dog there, and then test his/her reaction in smaller settings first).
If you think this might be a good job for your well-socialized, obedient Saluki, consider enrolling in therapy dog programs giving specific training for healthcare settings. You can read more at the AKC’s Therapy Dog Page.