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Obedience & Rally

©Mary Walker

Salukis need to have some basic obedience training (sit, down, stay, heel) to be good citizens in your home, but they can enjoy competition obedience with patience and empathetic training. Whether you are new to training or have a few years under your belt, it is best to enroll your Saluki in classes where professional instructors give structured lessons in a social setting. Practicing obedience moves in different environments and situations will help your dog pay attention to you while ignoring distractions.

Be patient and use positive reinforcement consistently. Make the sessions fun for both of you — Salukis get bored easily with “pointless” repetition, so make your training sessions shorter and intersperse frequent relaxing breaks. Celebrate successes! Treats, praise, and play are always the best rewards for the responses you ask of your dog.

AKC Obedience
AKC Rally