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Code of Ethics

©Asja Marcic

The code of ethics serves as a guideline of principles and ideals to follow in our dealings with Salukis and members of the Saluki fancy and the general public. This statement expresses our regard for the breed and its welfare.

It is the responsibility of the Parent Club, the Saluki Club of America, to encourage its membership and the fancy to do all things to preserve the integrity of the breed and to ensure the welfare of individual Salukis. It is also the responsibility of the Saluki Club of America to encourage its membership and the fancy to breed, maintain and present sound and healthy Salukis, of good temperament, true to the breed’s heritage, type, and standard.

To insure the welfare of Salukis and as Saluki breeders we agree:

  • All Salukis in our care will receive adequate food, shelter, human companionship, and veterinary care
  • To consider the welfare of the Saluki above personal gain or profit.
  • As breeders, before any breeding is done, examine our motives for undertaking the breeding. Our zeal to produce champions or perpetuate a bloodline must never compromise our sensitivity to the quality of life that every Saluki we breed will experience.
  • Breeders, whether owner of the stud dog or brood bitch, have equal responsibilities in insuring the welfare of all puppies and remain responsible for those Salukis throughout their entire lifetime.
  • No breeding will be done unless there is strong assurance that a sufficient number of homes are available or the breeder has the facilities, the time, and the means to raise the litter and accept back any dog from the litter, should that be necessary.
  • Only mature Salukis in good health and condition will be considered for breeding. Slow maturing, neither dog nor bitch can be adequately assessed before reaching two years of age. For bitches, caesarian section can be life threatening, hence extreme care should be taken, particularly after the age of seven, when considering breeding.
  • To protect every Saluki from the suffering of genetic diseases, affected individuals will not be bred from.
  • To honestly present and evaluate our puppies or adults to the public, agreeing to place only those with no known defects that will interfere with their ability to perform and function as a pet and companion, or competitor.
  • To keep accurate records of the health history, medications, and vaccinations of each individual Saluki and all family members in our care. To maintain accurate pedigrees reflecting the ancestry of all of our Salukis and to place any Saluki from our breeding with a written agreement, signed by all parties involved, stating the agreed to expectations for the lifelong welfare of the Saluki. The written agreement should preclude our breeding from being resold and require return to the breeder in all cases.
  • It is the responsibility of every breeder to thoroughly screen all prospective homes for puppies or adults and never to give or sell a Saluki to a pet shop, animal dealer, or other exploitative environment which will cause the Saluki suffering.
  • All Salukis sold or placed shall be accompanied by instructions for proper feeding and care, vaccination and veterinary care record, pedigree, a signed copy of the contract, and, if agreed to, the AKC registration form. New Saluki owners must be cautioned about the breed’s sensitivity to anesthesia and some medications and cautioned to choose a veterinarian aware of the unique physical characteristics of the breed.

As competitors we agree:

  • To ensure that our actions are directed towards the best interests of the Saluki breed, the Saluki Club of America, and the AKC.
  • To practice good sportsmanship, good ring manners, and courtesy to both judges and fellow exhibitors. To take responsible precautions to maintain hotels and show grounds in clean condition.
  • To present our Salukis in good health, mentally and physically fit for competition.
  • Not to engage in false or misleading advertising, nor malign our competition by making false statements about them or their breeding.
  • Never to put our personal desires to compete above the welfare of our Salukis.

As members of the Saluki Club of America we agree:

  • To accept some responsibility for the breed as a whole; the future of the breed is in the hands of its owners.
  • To fulfil all agreed to obligations, written or oral, in a prompt and reputable manner.
  • To advise and assist newcomers so that they may be guided in ways that can best protect and perpetuate the breed.
  • To attempt to educate the public, in a spirit of kindness and courtesy, about the unique qualities and needs of the Saluki and responsible Saluki ownership.
  • To make every effort, if abuse or neglect of a Saluki comes to our attention, to seek to lawfully remedy the situation.
  • To encourage all Saluki fanciers who demonstrate enduring commitment to the breed to become members of the Saluki Club of America through sponsorship or other assistance. In all questions of ethics, covered or not covered by this code, the membership shall act solely in the best interests of the breed, in good conscience, and motivated by good intentions.

Revised: April 2000